Hatching the Eggs (Menetaskan Telur): Pengayaan Geometri

UNSRI-Palembang. Senin, 28 November 2011 perkuliahan Introduction to RME dibimbing oleh Prof. Dr. Zulkardi, yang merupakan salah satu tokoh P4MRI dari UNSRI-Palembang. Pada perkuliahan tersebut, Prof. Zulkardi memberikan tugas untuk menyusun puzzle secara berkelompok, yang berupa potongan dari sebuah telur. Kami yang terdiri dari 15 mahasiswa dibagi kedalam 5 kelompok, yang masing-masing beranggotakan 3-4 orang. Permainan sekaligus pembelajaran matematika ini diberi nama Hatching The Egg (menetaskan telur). Pada pembelajaran tersebut, tiap kelompok mencoba untuk menyusun dan kemudian menganalisis permainan ini. Tujuan dari permainan puzzle ini adalah untuk menyusun potongan telur sehingga membentuk unggas yang sesuai dengan gambar yang diberikan, kemudian mencari sebanyak mungkin bentuk unggas yang mungkin dibentuk oleh siswa.

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Contoh Soal PISA

Setelah sebelumnya admin memposting beberapa postingan terkait dengan PISA (http://evangelistanote.wordpress.com/2011/10/22/apa-itu-pisa/) dan informasi mengenai Kontes Literasi Matematika (KLM) berbasis PISA (https://p4mriunesa.wordpress.com/2011/10/28/kontes-literasi-matematika-klm-dan-workshop-pisa-untuk-jawa-timur-bali-dan-sekitarnya/) , sekarang admin akan memberikan informasi terkait soal PISA.

berikut beberapa contoh soal PISA yang telah diadaptasi dari beberapa sumber

1. contoh sola PISA berbahasa Indonesia
(sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan kontes literasi matematika yang akan menggunakan soal PISA berbahasa Indonesia)


2. try out soal PISA (dalam Bahasa Inggris)


Berikut ini video mengenai PISA. PISA – Measuring student success around the world”

Mathematics and Art: Another Face of Mathematics

Who said mathematics is a boring uninteresting subject which has no sense of art and beauty??? In this occasion, i would like to show you another side of mathematics. Mathematics is an interesting subject which can be seen in nature and can be used to express a perons’ feeling and as a tool/media to create a beautiful art.

1. Batik + Mathematics + Technology = Batik Farctal

Nowadays, Indonesia has its new creation of Batik called Batik Fraktal/ractal which is a combination between Batik, Technology and Mathematics. Three genius bussinessman from Bandung, Indonesia ( Muhammad Lukman, Nancy Margried Panjaitan, dan Yun Hariadi ) are the inventor of batik fraktal. After doing long research since 2007, at last they launched a batik with continuous geometry design (http://nasional.kompas.com).

This images below are some kinds of batik fraktal.


2. Fraction in a Justin Bieber’ Song: “Common Denominator”

Beside in batik or fashion, mathematics especially fraction also can be found in one of the famaous singer Justin Bieber’s song, which title is “Common Denominator”. In this song, we can find mathematics vocab/term related to fraction such as: fraction, equation, common denominator, and one half. Check the song 🙂

Lyric of common denominator: (copied from http://lirik.kapanlagi.com/artis/justin_bieber/common_denominator)

oleh: Justin Bieber

just a fraction of your love
fills the air
And I fall in love with you
All over again, oh
You’re the light that feeds the sun
In my world
I’d face a thousand years of pain for my girl
Out of all the things in life that i could fear
The only thing that would hurt me, uh
Is if you weren’t here?, oh

I don’t want to go back to just being one half of the equation
do You understand what I’m sayin’?
Girl, without you I’m lost
Can’t faces this compass at heart
Between me and love,
You’re the common denominator
oh, oh , ohhh, oh
you’re the Common denominator
oh, yeahh, woa

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The Mystery of the disappearing square

(Jaime Rangel-Mondragon: From the Wolfram Demonstrations Project/ demonstrations.wolfram.com)

While i was looking for my old data in my hardisk, i found this video about the mystery of disappearing square. In this video which is a project of Jaime Rangel (From the Wolfram Demonstrations Project) we can clearly see a small-red square which is disappear while the area of the big square is still the same.

See/watch the video and think why it can be like that 🙂

You can share your opinion in “comment”

Observation Report 3#: An example of Usuall Teaching and Learning Process of Great Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiplication (LCM) Which is Often Done in Grade 5

This report is one of my class observation reports. In this occasion, i would to share how teaching and learning process about LCM and GCD often happen/be done in Grade 5 Indonesia. There are some problem occured in class, students face difficulties in several section like number opperation, multiplication etc. I hope through this report, teacher or educators will know and be more aware with problems that maybe occur in the teaching and learning process, especially in learning GCD and LCM.

CLASS OBSERVATION: Teaching and Learning Process of Great Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiplication (LCM) in Elementary School Grade 5

Evangelista Lus Windyana Palupi

International Master Program on Mathematics Education (IMPoME 2011)

e-mail : evangelista.palupi@yahoo.com

1. Introduction

Our interest in mathematics especially in how it is delivered leads us (My friend Elika Kurniadi and I) as researcher and observer to do mathematics class observation. After doing observation in Grade 1, now as there is an opportunity, it’s our turn to observe mathematics teaching and learning process in Grade 5. The topic at that time is about great common divisor (GCD) and least common multiplication (LCM).

In this observation report, observers will start out by briefly describing about teaching and learning process included its relation to RME theory. Then we move on to the Findings related to students’ thinking, and problems occur in the class. But before that, we will describe the details of how this observation was done in the observation activity.

Read more/download: laporan observasi 3 SD -FPB dan KPK kelas 5E english version-evangelista

Side Seeing (Sudut Pandang): Vision of Geometry

By: Evangelista Palupi
When we were child, we often to play hide and seek. There is a child called seeker who will search another hidden child. While seeker is counting and close her/his eyes, another childrens will hide in a place in where they can not be seen by seeker.
When we play that game, we will not consider that we actually learn informal geometry vision.
As a seeker, we will search a place that large enaough to hide the children. we also turn around and looking around and try to see through different side to make sure that the children is in that place or not.
While as a child who should hidden, we have to looking for place that can hide us or make us seems to be dissappear. We have to estimate the large of the place and our body size. we also have to pay attention and make sure that the seeker can not find us by any view.
In geometry itself, there are three different view:
  1. front view
  2. side (left and right side)
  3. top view

In the “Introduction to RME” class, Prof. Zulkardi gave us a problem related to side seeing in geometry in real life.


Draw a thing (like televison or etc) from front, side and top!

This is the results of my friends drawing and mine:


Lets Learn Mathematics Term: Plane (Bangun Datar)

written by: Evangelista L. W. Palupi

Selama ini matematika dianggap sebagai pelajaran yang sulit dn tidak menarik untk di pelajari. Hal tersebut semakin sulit ketika siswa dituntut untuk mempelajari matematika dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai akibat dari kurikulum RSBI.

Terdapat banyak istilah khusus matematika dalam bahasa inggris diantaranya triangle-segitiga, perimeter-keliling, polyhedron-segi banyak dan lain sebagainya.

Dalam kesempatan ini, saya akan memposting beberapa istilah matematika dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai bangun datar-plane. 

  • Bangun Datar = Plane
  • Segitiga = Triangle
  • Segitiga samasisi = equilateral triangle
  • Segitiga sama kaki = isosceles
  • segitiga siku-siku = right triangle
  • segitiga sebarang = scalene
  • Persegi = square
  • Jajar genjang = parallelogram
  • Belah Ketupat = Rhombus
  • Layang-layang = Kite
  • Persegi Panjang = rectangle
  • Lingkaran = circle
  • Setengah Lingkaran = semi circle
  • Seperempat Lingkaran = Quadrant
  • Keliling = Perimeter
  • Luas = Area